2 Year Olds
Emotional Goals:
Begin to show emapthy for others, Feels safe and secure away from parents, Shows affection or dislikes, Shows pride in new accomplishments, Exhibits contrasting moods
Social Goals:
Imitates others, Influences or persuades others, Helps at clean-up time, get/put away own snack bag, Tries to please others, Exhibits an interest in adult language, Enjoys exploring with others, Learning friends names and starts to develop friendships
Physical Goals:
Sits well in chair, Climbs up steps and on outdoor equipment, Learning to walk in a line, Marches in place, Rolls, throws, and kicks ball, Starts blocks, Uses crayons and paintbrush, Attempts to put on shoes, socks, jacket and pull up pants, Washes and dries hands without assistance, Uses a spoon, Drinks from a cup, Toilet Training
Spiritual Goals:
Learns about God and His Love for us, Learns Jesus is God’s son
Get In Touch
Location: 15421 Pouncey Tract Rd, Rockville, VA 23146
Telephone: 804-749-4411
Email:[email protected]
School Hours: M-Th: 8:45AM – 1:30PM