Our Programs

Elementary School
Registration Timeline & Fees

A Word from our Director

Families, I am excited to serve as the Director of Faith Community Academy Elementary.  My experiences as an educator teaching high school math courses, providing homebound instruction, and serving as a Preschool Sunday School Director have all equipped me for this amazing role. With a passion for helping students achieve their fullest potential, I am dedicated to building and supporting a Christ-centered educational program, where students can grow as disciples of God’s Word and teachers are empowered to provide quality instruction founded on Biblical principles.  We all know that education involves more than just memorizing facts and procedures. Education shapes us throughout our lives.  It impacts our beliefs and our actions.  We don’t teach our children about God’s love and about Christ’s sacrifice just for the knowledge of facts recorded in the Bible.  We teach our children these truths because they are life changing.

In James 1:22, we are commanded to “Be doers of the word, and not hearers only.”  Faith Community Academy Elementary gives us the opportunity to teach our students Math, English, History, and Science and to be “doers” and not just “hearers” of God’s Word.  This is what I am excited about!  This is what will make the biggest difference in our homes, communities, and ultimately in our world!  This is what will further God’s Kingdom!  I am grateful to be a part of this amazing Christ-centered program, and I look forward to working with you and for Him at Faith Community Academy Elementary.

In Christ,

Jennifer Gailey – Elementary School Director

First Through Fifth Grades

Grades first through fifth grade will again be offered for school year 2025-2026. We anticipate there will be a stand-alone first grade class, a stand-alone second grade class, a combined third and fourth grade class, and a stand-alone fifth grade class.

Class composition is subject to change based on actual enrollment. The maximum enrollment for each class will be 15 students for a total capacity of 60 students. 

Registration Timeline and Fees 2025-2026


December 10, 2024

The Announcement of 2025-2026 Registration and Tuition and the Parent/Student Handbook for School year 2025 2026 will be sent by email & car line to FCAE families

December 13, 2024

Registration opens BY PAPER for FCAE families and for FCA rising first-graders; $225 non-refundable per child registration fee required to secure 2025-26 spot

January 6, 2025

Registration opens BY PAPER for Berea Baptist families not yet at FCA or FCAE

January 20, 2025

Registration opens to community-at-large by paper and by website


May 9, 2025

Final tuition set; based on enrollment on this date as the school year’s first payment billing date window; see Tuition 2025-2026 section for more details

Get In Touch

Pre-K & Kindergarten

Location: 15421 Pouncey Tract Rd, Rockville, VA 23146

Telephone: 804-749-4411

Email: [email protected]

School Hours: M-Th: 8:45am – 1:30pm

1st - 5th Grade

Location: 15421 Pouncey Tract Rd, Rockville, VA 23146

Telephone: 804-736-0577

Email: [email protected]

School Hours: M-F: 8:45am – 3:15pm